Dr. Kenneth A. Amparbin


Dr. Kenneth A. Amparbin is Vice Principal at Ivy Hill Elementary School and currently serves as an elected Vice-Principal Representative and Treasurer on the City Association of Supervisors and Administrators AFSA Local 20 (CASA) Executive Board.

Within the past 31 years in the Newark Board of Education, his service as an educator included a full range of experiences that can be framed in the context of teaching as well as administration and supervision. For more than 10 years, Kenneth has had direct experience teaching students in the core content areas at the developmental levels of elementary, middle, high school and adults. His subsequent service as an administrator and supervisor has been influenced by various experiences in the classroom.

Dr. Amparbin states "During my tenure of service as an administrator and supervisor, my experiences range the full spectrum of the challenges and responsibilities associated with developing, managing and operating a Pre-K to 8th grade school. As an educator, supervisor and administrator, I have engaged with a diverse groups of educators as well as Special Needs, English Language Learners and At-risk students throughout our school community.

The application of the knowledge and skills acquired from these collective experiences have contributed to the ongoing process of personal and professional growth. This growth has facilitated an evolution in thinking and practices that have been transferred to optimize my service in our school district and collective bargaining unit."