
As the summer Olympics kick off, the event presents more than just a chance to cheer for Team USA.

Perry High School Principal Dan Marburger, who heroically lost his life in Iowa while shielding students from an active shooter, was recently honored.

The AFL-CIO Executive Council, which represents 60 unions and 12.5 million workers, unanimously endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president in the 2024 election.

The House Commerce Democrats introduced a major infrastructure package.
Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., spent a day walking in workers’ – teachers’ – shoes, in Michigan.
When we think about organizing precarious “gig” workers, the task seems biblical: The workers may be ready, or not, but the spirit and the flesh are weak.

AFSA joined dozens of other organization in the following letter.

Nearly 50 years ago, Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act, promising every worker the right to a safe job. Unions and our allies have fought hard to make that promise a reality—winning protections that have made jobs safer and saved lives.

But our work is not done.