
AFSA has embarked on an official collaboration with the largest network of school leaders in Italy, Senza Zaino.

Lizzy Crispin headed the committee that led Leonardo da Vinci High School to become the first and only Blue Ribbon high school in Buffalo, New York.

Overall, fatalities on the job rose 5.7%. The rise in fatal occupational injuries from 2021 to 2022 is “alarming and unacceptable” to the AFL-CIO.
What's going on with our students today? Find out ways to address some mental health issues. Prince George's County Public Schools school psychologist Vincent Tepe talks student mental health.
Some 86% of respondents said there aren’t any support groups for school leaders, while the remaining 14% said there were informal groups.
GOP members in the U.S. House passed a bill in April to cut federal spending dramatically. We will not stand for any harmful cuts to Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid.
Prioritizing school leader mental health is a must for everyone that leads. Take ten minutes a day for you.
A motion passed by the American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA) General Executive Board urged the U.S. Senate and the president to reject the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 in its entirety.