
In the wake of the post-COVID-19 pandemic world, we are witnessing a surge in stress and anxiety among our students.

Central offices were set up over a century ago to handle business and regulatory functions. Today’s schools require a fundamentally new approach.
AFSA has embarked on an official collaboration with the largest network of school leaders in Italy, Senza Zaino.

AFSA’s Triennial Convention that was scheduled for this summer in Puerto Rico has been postponed because of COVID-19. The convention will be rescheduled for the summer of 2022.

The AFL-CIO also has postponed its Constitutional Convention by one year; it now will be held in Philadelphia by the end of June 2022.

A resolution passed by the AFSA General Executive Board stated:

WHEREAS, the AFSA Constitution states that a convention be held every third year during the month of July or August, and 

The severe shortages of school-based mental health professionals is a growing concern.

AFSA has been working hard on Capitol Hill and with the White House to move education to the front burner. Our efforts are showing dividends, as the first 100 days of President Biden’s term have been historic for K–12 education funding, and we have witnessed significant victories for organized labor. Here is a quick review:

Accountability is on display today as jurors in the Derek Chauvin trial have entered guilty verdicts on all the charges.
Student learing growth during the first half of the 2020–2021 school year is approaching expected levels in both reading and math.
The pandemic has exposed a lot of challenges in our schools.